Kulaaly degen shakta bar,
The buzzard resides on branches,
Kuda da bolmok narkta bar.
Becoming in-laws is our tradition.
Kyrgyiek degen shakta bar,
The little hawk resides on branches,
Kyzdy da bermek saltta bar.
Marrying a girl off is our tradition.
Ukuruk tiybes kachagan,
Now, you're like a horse that can't be caught with a lasso,
Urugung bashka jasagan.
You're destined to go to another clan.
Kamchy da tiybes kachagan,
Now, you're like a horse that a whip cannot reach,
Kalkyngdy bashka jasagan.
You're destined to go to other people.
Kanatyn kakpay jem jegen,
Is there a bird like the hawk,
Karchygaday kush kayda?
Which eats grain without flapping its wings?
Akyly menen til bilgen,
Is there a maiden like Elmira,
Elmiraday ele kyz kayda?
Who is wise and who knows the language [i.e., English]?
Tumshugun kakpay jem jegen,
Is there a bird like the falcon,
Turumtayday ele kush kayda?
Which eats grain without making its beak messy?
Chet elge baryp til bilgen,
Is there a maiden like Elmira,
Elmiraday ele kyz kayda?
Who studied abroad and learned the foreign language?
Ak kagazdy eey karalap,
You have traveled in a foreign land,
Chet elde gana jürdüng aralap.
By writing on a white paper.
Jazgan kagazyngda kata jok
There is no error in her writing, and
Singdim Aychüröktön kemi jok.
My sister is as beautiful as Aychürök.
Boz torgoy eleng bierde,
You were a gray skylark in your house,
Bolup da berdik tiyerge.
Now we're giving you away to them.
Kyzgaldak eleng biyerde,
You were a poppy in your house,
Kaalap da berdik tiyerge.
Now we're voluntarily giving you away.
Chong atangdy men aytsam,
If I'm to talk about your great-grandfather,
Chong atang eldin ulugu.
Your great-grandfather was a great man,
Öz atang suudun tunugu.
Your own father is the purest of water.
Altyndan kylgan kupaday,
If I'm to talk about your uncles,
Abalaryng men aytsam,
They're like a horse harness plated with gold,
Ala barchyn shumkarday.
They're like eagles turning into hunting birds.
Kümüshtön kylgan kupaday,
If I'm to talk about your uncles,
Abalaryng men aytsam,
They're like a horse harness plated with silver
Kök ala tuygun shumkarday.
They're like grayish grouses and gyrfalcons.
Suu tübündö sülüktöy.
If I'm to talk about your brothers,
Akelering men aytsam,
They're like leeches under the water,
Suurulup chykkan külüktöy.
They're like stallions running ahead of the herd.